Make Connections, Sports Business

Informational Interviews

Conduct informational interviews with UO alumni and other professionals in sports business.

Join Clubs or Professional Organizations

  • UO Warsaw Sports Business Club – Open to all students, the club plans events and activities to expose its members to different areas of the sports business. Through industry speakers, field trips, and events, students can learn about career opportunities, network with other students and industry contacts, and gain resume-quality experience.
  • UO American Marketing Association – Student-led club in the Lundquist College of Business open to every student. The club goes on site visits to various cities to give students exposure to real world careers in marketing. The AMA also hosts events at the University of Oregon to bring employers to the students, and hosts meetings every week to make sure students are up to date on marketing events and learning topics that they aren’t exposed to in the classroom.
  • North American Society for Sport Management
  • Sports Marketing Association