People in operations and business analytics (OBA) solve business and operations problems through qualitative and quantitative tools. They engage analytical and technical skills to interpret data and information for the development and implementation of new strategies. Careers in OBA range from producing goods, quality control and management, managing supply chain, analyzing data, facilities management, and more. Investments in operations and IT capabilities consume the bulk of resources at firms. This creates a wide arena of challenging opportunities.
Explore & Research OBA Careers
OBA professionals are needed in a variety of companies and industries. Here we detailed those as well as provide examples of internships and entry level jobs, as well as common skills needed to excel in a career in operations and business analytics.
Make Connections
Connecting with, and learning from, alumni or professionals working in operations and business analytics will serve you well in your search. Here we detail how to engage in informational interviews and suggest clubs and organizations you can join to build your network.
Gain Experience & Develop Skills
Although you will develop many skills inside the classroom, getting involved and gaining experience will allow you to test them out, improve your abilities, and give you concrete examples to share with future employers.