
A Marketer’s Guide to Writing Catchy Headlines

For many writers, even professionals, writing a headline is a long and difficult process. You want a headline that entices people to read more, but you don’t want to give too much away. What’s the secret to striking the right balance? Don’t waste your time agonizing over the perfect headline; instead, follow these five proven steps for creating catchy headlines that’ll be sure to draw more attention and more clicks.

In this course, best-selling author Jeff Goins explains his simple, proven process for writing catchy headlines that prompt people to read more. Jeff breaks his writing method into five easy steps and offers a practical application for each, showing you how to use numbers, emotional adjectives, unique rationales, trigger words, and audacious promises. Additionally, you’ll learn what not to do so you can avoid making common mistakes. By the end of this course, you’ll be prepared and confident to write catchy headlines for all of your content, whether it’s an article, a blog post, or a podcast.

This course was created by EverCourse. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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