Showcasing Your Personal Brand—Make Strategic Resume and Cover Letter Choices!

In today’s competitive job market, your resume and cover letter are your first chance to make a lasting impression on a hiring manager. Mohr Career Services is here to guide you in strategically approaching these crucial documents, helping you to stand out and convey your unique personal brand effectively.

Always craft your resume and cover letter with your audience in mind. These documents provide an opportunity to put your best foot forward and differentiate yourself from other applicants. So, what message do you want to convey to your potential employers, and what key information does a hiring manager need to see to recognize you as an exceptional candidate for the position?

Start by examining the job posting. Identify the specific combination of skills, education, and experience that the company is seeking. With these criteria in mind, reflect on your own background and experiences. Highlight any relevant projects, courses, or work/volunteer experiences that demonstrate a clear connection to what the employer is seeking. Pinpoint your achievements and incorporate them in your bullet points. For valuable tips, templates, and guidance on creating a strong resume, visit our Resumes resource page.

Once you’ve crafted a compelling resume that summarizes your skills, education, and experience, take the next step by considering your VIPS—Values, Interests, Personality, and Strengths. What motivates you? What draws you to a particular company or position? It might be a shared set of values or a role that aligns perfectly with your strengths and interests. Articulate these areas of alignment in your cover letter to provide the employer with a more profound understanding of your personal brand, allowing them to see why you’re interested in their specific role.

Remember that employers are not just seeking generic candidates; they want individuals who are genuinely interested in the specific position they’re advertising. So, take the time to make a compelling case for yourself as the ideal candidate by crafting resumes and cover letters that showcase your brand—including your interests, your accomplishments, and your specific skills.

If you find it challenging to express your personal brand through the bullet points and example stories in your resume and cover letter, we’re here to help. Schedule an appointment with a career advisor, or stop by for Drop-In assistance, Monday through Friday, 10am to 4pm, in Lillis 155. We’re dedicated to assisting you in making a strong and memorable impression on potential employers. Your future success starts with crafting a compelling personal brand!

By Pauline Thaler (she/her)
Pauline Thaler (she/her) Career Advisor