Explore what you can learn from brilliant minds that have changed the world. In his 2020 book, The Hidden Habits of Genius: Beyond Talent, IQ, and Grit—Unlocking the Secrets of Greatness, Professor Emeritus Craig M. Wright shares his formula for greatness and traits that contribute to it. Tune into this audiobook summary from Next Big Idea Club to hear Professor Wright share five key insights from The Hidden Habits of Genius: Beyond Talent, IQ, and Grit—Unlocking the Secrets of Greatness. Find out why genius can be so difficult to measure, then explore several traits that are common to all of history’s most brilliant minds. Learn how doing things consistently, but in an unorthodox fashion, builds a lifestyle that is both habitual and creative. Plus, discover how setting goals that are always just out of reach is a great way to stay motivated and may also be a recipe for longevity.
This audiobook summary was created by Next Big Idea Club. We are pleased to host this content in our library.
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